Alexandre Pereira

Driving Payment Success with Banks, Acquirers and Card Schemes 🏦💳 | Payments Strategy ♜💡 | Global Cross-Border Payments Expert 🌎 | Payment Partnerships 🤝 | Payment Consulting 📋🎯

Insights From Brazil’s Crypto Industry Regulation Public Consultation

The Central Bank of Brazil is in full swing. One of its initiatives is to regulate verticals that are already in place but do...

Pix Reaches Usage Records in 2023, Reducing The Circulation of Actual Money.

Brazilian Central (BACEN) revealed data showing that in 2023, Brazilians transferred a total of R$17.18 trillion using Pix. Becoming a new payment system record.According...

Ensuring Sporting Integrity: Brazil is Preparing to Regulate Sports Betting

Integrity is taken seriously in countries where Sports Betting is regulated, and it will be no different in Brazil. On January 31, President Lula...

Brazil’s Sports Betting Market Gears Up with New Regulatory Office

February has just begun, and to get off on the right foot, I will share good news about the sports betting regulation in Brazil....

How AI in Payment Systems Benefit PSPs and Merchants

AI is gradually becoming an essential part of companies budgets due to its growing importance in business transformation, and payments are no exception. It...

Navigating Misconceptions and Realities Surrounding PIX

Although PIX has been in the spotlight for the past few months, there are quite a few misconceptions about it. For some, it is...

From Galaxy to iPhone, Navigating the Unexpected Hurdles

Today I'm not going to talk about payments, but about my transition from the Samsung S line to the iPhone! I was trying to...

What to Expect from the Payment Industry: Possible Trends for 2024

New technology, as well as how people react to and interact with innovation, have compelled organizations across industries to seek updates on a regular...

PIX MED: A Pix Superhero Rescuing Users from Fraudulent Schemes

PIX MED (Mecanismo Especial de Devolução) is an exclusive Pix mechanism designed to smooth out fund reimbursements in the event of fraud, providing victims...

Game On: Brazil’s Betting Industry Overhaul and Its Impact on Operators and Users

I'll share the scoop on what's next in payment processing for sports betting in Brazil, how it impacts operators, users, and most importantly, how...