Alexandre Pereira

Driving Payment Success with Banks, Acquirers and Card Schemes 🏦💳 | Payments Strategy ♜💡 | Global Cross-Border Payments Expert 🌎 | Payment Partnerships 🤝 | Payment Consulting 📋🎯

Merchants will offer even more benefits for using PIX in e-commerce transactions in 2024

PIX acceptance has progressively increased, and merchants now offer discounts or free shipping to clients who choose to pay using a QR code. In...

Online betting is drawing in young people

Sports betting is on the rise in Brazil, as revealed by the latest Datafolha survey released this Saturday (13). The study discloses that 15% of...

PIX Has Officially Received The Torch

This week, the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) discontinued DOC (Documento de Crédito), a payment method introduced in 1985 in response to the overwhelming success...

The Payment Flow When Handling Cross-Border Payments in Latin America

Think of cross-border payments as an hourglass in which the top half is all businesses around the globe. That new budget CRM, all niche...

Os 6 conselhos mais inúteis que eu já ouvi

Outro dia estava com um cliente conversando sobre nossas conquistas profissionais e como chegamos onde estamos em nossa carreira, e como as decisões relacionadas...

Meses Sin Interesses, How installments work in Mexico

MSI came to live in the late 80’s thanks to American Express and an alliance with big department stores. The concept is simple: A seller...

Who pays for credit card rewards offered by banks

Banks promise offers like cash-back, bonus miles or cash bonuses to get you to sign up and spend, and it's rewards like these that...

Installments in Brazil Explained in Details

I’ve been talking to clients and prospects for almost four years, trying to explain why installments in Brazil and other Latin American markets are...

PIX: Instant Payment Method in Brazil

In my previous post, I explained how Pix (soon to be released) could affect boletos in Brazil; however, I had not published any preliminary...

Nuts & Bolts: Enabling payments in BRL

There are a few factors you need to know before enabling sales on your website for the Brazilian market and starting to do cross-border...