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How Pix Disrupted Brazil’s Payment Landscape & Its Global Ambition

In just three years, PIX has risen to the top of the list of payment options that consumers and businesses prefer. Banco Central do Brasil put a lot of effort into it, and it paid off. Before PIX was released in October 2020, BACEN prohibited WhatsApp from accepting Mastercard and Visa payments through its app. In Brazil, WhatsApp intended to...

5 Things to Consider Before Going Local in Brazil

It's important to comprehend Brazil's unique payment preferences before entering the market. The following are the top 5 factors to take into account in Brazil when selecting a payment processor: Local Payment Options: PIX, local cards, and cash are the most popular options. Although international cards have their place, over 25% of internet transactions use PIX. Customer Preference: Seamless checkout experience...

5 Curiosities About Carnival in Brazil

Not every Brazilian enjoys the carnival celebrations; some would rather create posts on LinkedIn that share interesting details about the holiday. However, everyone enjoys their two and a half days off! If you are considering doing business in Brazil, you should be aware of the following three aspects of Carnival: The official Carnival date varies from year to year. Catholic standards...

How ITP Enchances Customer Experience in Online Shopping

ITP, or Inciador de Transações Pagamentos, is one of Open Finance's most promising features. Here is how it works and how it will enhance the shopping experience. The translation for Iniciador de Transações de Pagamento is Payment Transaction Initiator. The idea of ITP is to accelerate the payment journey; as it happens with credit cards, PIX wants to be more...

Bacen’s Digital Drive and Innovations Shaping Brazil’s Financial Future

2023 was a year full of innovation in the Brazilian banking system, as Banco Central do Brasil is on a mission to make Brazil more digital and tokenized.Bacen will push an agenda to improve instant payment rails (PIX), open finance, and asset tokenization through the construction of the digital equivalent of the real, Drex.To give it some color, here...

Globo, Kwai, Caixa, and the Race for Brazil’s Betting Throne

The betting industry in Brazil is so promising that out of the 134 companies interested in applying for the gaming license, there are names like Globo, Kwai Brasil, and Caixa Econômica Federal. If you are not familiar with these names, before writing why it is a big deal, I will explain who they are and what they represent. Globo is a...


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Update: Pix Automático Release Delayed to June 2025

Banco Central released a note stating that the release...

Contactless Payments with PIX Are Here

I've got great news for all PIX fans! PIX...

A Batalha Entre Cartões de Crédito e PIX: O Que Está em Jogo?

Essas são as "headlines" de notícias sobre cartão de...

Benefícios dos Cartões de Crédito: Serão Eles Superados pelo PIX?

Quem trabalha com meios de pagamento está sempre conversando...

PIX se Torna Referência Global em Tecnologia de Pagamentos

Pix caminha para se tornar global: Lembram da empolgação...

Fast forward: The Revolution in Boleto Settlement Times

It's the hot topic of conversation, but let me...