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Insights From Brazil’s Crypto Industry Regulation Public Consultation

The Central Bank of Brazil is in full swing. One of its initiatives is to regulate verticals that are already in place but do not bring in revenue for the government through taxes. The Central Bank of Brazil finished a public consultation on Wednesday (31) regarding the regulation of the crypto asset industry in Brazil, a topic that BACEN has...

Pix Reaches Usage Records in 2023, Reducing The Circulation of Actual Money.

Brazilian Central (BACEN) revealed data showing that in 2023, Brazilians transferred a total of R$17.18 trillion using Pix. Becoming a new payment system record.According to the BACEN, transfer volumes increased by 57.8% in 2023 compared to 2022, when transactions totaled R$10.89 trillion.It is vital to know that in 2022, Pix surpassed credit cards as the primary payment method, with...

Ensuring Sporting Integrity: Brazil is Preparing to Regulate Sports Betting

Integrity is taken seriously in countries where Sports Betting is regulated, and it will be no different in Brazil. On January 31, President Lula signed a decree that established the creation of the “Prize and Bets Office,” or Secretaria de Premios and Apostas (SPA), to regulate sports betting and online gaming.One of the purposes of sports betting regulation is...

Brazil’s Sports Betting Market Gears Up with New Regulatory Office

February has just begun, and to get off on the right foot, I will share good news about the sports betting regulation in Brazil. Two weeks ago, I wrote an article (here) explaining the changes for bettors and operators with the new regulation approved on December 30, 2023. More is about to come. Yesterday, 31/01, President Lula signed a legal...

How AI in Payment Systems Benefit PSPs and Merchants

AI is gradually becoming an essential part of companies budgets due to its growing importance in business transformation, and payments are no exception. It is not about replacing human interaction, but rather improving and automating processes to increase efficiency and accuracy. Fraud and chargeback management, the complex regulatory landscape, and disputes and dispute resolution are among the top 10 payment...

Navigating Misconceptions and Realities Surrounding PIX

Although PIX has been in the spotlight for the past few months, there are quite a few misconceptions about it. For some, it is not clear what it does, who can use it, where it works, how much it costs, what type of services you can buy with it, and if it will supersede other payment methods. In this...


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Update: Pix Automático Release Delayed to June 2025

Banco Central released a note stating that the release...

Contactless Payments with PIX Are Here

I've got great news for all PIX fans! PIX...

A Batalha Entre Cartões de Crédito e PIX: O Que Está em Jogo?

Essas são as "headlines" de notícias sobre cartão de...

Benefícios dos Cartões de Crédito: Serão Eles Superados pelo PIX?

Quem trabalha com meios de pagamento está sempre conversando...

PIX se Torna Referência Global em Tecnologia de Pagamentos

Pix caminha para se tornar global: Lembram da empolgação...

Fast forward: The Revolution in Boleto Settlement Times

It's the hot topic of conversation, but let me...