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PIX Has Officially Received The Torch

This week, the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) discontinued DOC (Documento de Crédito), a payment method introduced in 1985 in response to the overwhelming success of PIX. Here are some key points about the only two methods of fund transfer in Brazil before the advent of PIX. For those unfamiliar with the history of payment methods in Brazil, here's a brief...

The Payment Flow When Handling Cross-Border Payments in Latin America

Think of cross-border payments as an hourglass in which the top half is all businesses around the globe. That new budget CRM, all niche marketplaces, an OTA catering to newlyweds or focusing on single travelers, all online learning platforms, all SAAS aiming at small SMBs, there is no limitation to a specific vertical or business category. Now think of the...

Os 6 conselhos mais inúteis que eu já ouvi

Outro dia estava com um cliente conversando sobre nossas conquistas profissionais e como chegamos onde estamos em nossa carreira, e como as decisões relacionadas a trabalho que tomamos acabam afetando nossa vida pessoal. Isso nos levou a listar os pontos que nos fizeram dar certo e os que teria o potencial de dar errado e com esse contexto em...

Meses Sin Interesses, How installments work in Mexico

MSI came to live in the late 80’s thanks to American Express and an alliance with big department stores. The concept is simple: A seller offers their products for customers to buy in installments as part of a special sales offerA customer buys an item and receives a charge on their credit card for the full amountEach month the issuing...

Who pays for credit card rewards offered by banks

Banks promise offers like cash-back, bonus miles or cash bonuses to get you to sign up and spend, and it's rewards like these that you can use to maximize your credit card experience and take advantage of all the structure that credit card networks and banks provide. Ultimately though, someone is paying for all these credit card rewards. In order...

Installments in Brazil Explained in Details

I’ve been talking to clients and prospects for almost four years, trying to explain why installments in Brazil and other Latin American markets are so important. But today, as I was watching this YouTube video, something just clicked; and it came to me that this might be it, this might be how I will explain why it’s so important. The...


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Update: Pix Automático Release Delayed to June 2025

Banco Central released a note stating that the release...

Contactless Payments with PIX Are Here

I've got great news for all PIX fans! PIX...

A Batalha Entre Cartões de Crédito e PIX: O Que Está em Jogo?

Essas são as "headlines" de notícias sobre cartão de...

Benefícios dos Cartões de Crédito: Serão Eles Superados pelo PIX?

Quem trabalha com meios de pagamento está sempre conversando...

PIX se Torna Referência Global em Tecnologia de Pagamentos

Pix caminha para se tornar global: Lembram da empolgação...

Fast forward: The Revolution in Boleto Settlement Times

It's the hot topic of conversation, but let me...